10 trainees

Welcome to the team!

Since August 1, 2021, four more trainees have enriched our team and once again fulfill our mission as a training company. During a trainee kick-off event with the six trainees, who are already in their second year of training, and the team leaders, we welcomed and introduced the “newcomers”.

For the first time, we are now also training industrial clerks and technical product designers, in addition to our standard training programs for event and office clerks as well as carpenters and joiners.

Viktoria Gepfner has been with us since 01.06.2021 and is training to become an industrial clerk. Leon Heyer (apprenticeship as event manager), Marvin Tischer (apprenticeship as technical product designer) and Jonas Kühl (apprenticeship as carpenter) started on 01.08.2021.

In the coming years, our young talents will meet knowledgeable professionals from various fields. Together, they will realize the visions of our demanding clients all over the world in high-quality interior design.

We wish you much creative joy and success!

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